Appendix e – hart communication, Appendix e – Det-Tronics PIRECL Infrared Carbon Dioxide Gas Detector PointWatch Eclipse User Manual
Page 33

AppenDix e
harT CoMMUnICaTIon
Digital communication with the PointWatch Eclipse CO
model is necessary to monitor internal status and to modify
the factory settings. This appendix provides guidance on establishing HART communication, and describes the
communication menu structure when using the Eclipse with the HART Handheld Communicator.
eSTablIShInG loCal harT CoMMUnICaTIon WITh poInTWaTCh eClIpSe Co
The HART Handheld Communicator can be connected to the 4-20 mA circuit as shown in the wiring diagrams provided
in the Installation section of this manual. If the Eclipse is equipped with an I.S. HART communication port on the side of
the detector, unscrew the protective cap and connect the HART Communicator test probes to the two terminals inside
the port (non-polarized).
Press the “on” key to switch on the HART Handheld Communicator. The Online menu is the first menu to appear when
the Communicator is properly connected to the Eclipse. This menu is structured to provide important information about
the connected device. The HART protocol incorporates a concept called the “Device Description Language” (DDL)
that enables HART instrument manufacturers to define and document their product in a consistent format. This format
is readable by handheld communicators, PC’s and other process interface devices that support DDL.
Proper analog signal output termination and minimum loop resistance must be completed in all cases to enable
HART communication. Failure to provide proper analog signal output loop resistance will preclude all HART
It is possible to establish HART Communication with the PIReCL in Generic HART communication mode. In
this mode, HART communication with the PIReCL detector will be established, but the Communicator will not
recognize the PIReCL as a gas detector. Generic HART communication will not provide access to the PIReCL
DDL menu and important set-up, diagnostics or operation functions, including gas type selection.
proCeDUre To DeTerMIne If eClIpSe DDl IS preSenT In yoUr CoMMUnICaTor
1. From the Main menu, select the Offline menu.
2. From the Offline menu, select New Configurations to access the list of device descriptions programmed into your
HART Communicator. The Manufacturer menu displays a list of each manufacturer with available DDLs.
3. Select a manufacturer, and the display will show the list of available device types.
4. If you cannot find the Eclipse CO
device on your Communicator, the specific DDL is not programmed into the
Memory Module. Your HART Communicator will require a DDL upgrade in order to access all Eclipse DDL
The HART Communication Foundation ( manages the HCF Approved DDL Library and
programming sites for HCF Approved field communicators. A complete listing of the DD Library is available for
download and provides manufacturer and device type file identification.