Calibration initiation – Det-Tronics PIRECL Infrared Carbon Dioxide Gas Detector PointWatch Eclipse User Manual
Page 22

CalIbraTIon InITIaTIon
Eclipse calibration may be initiated by any of the following
• The onboard magnetic calibration switch
• The magnetic calibration switch in the remote
termination box
• HART communication.
Calibration using Magnetic Switch
1. onboard Switch and leD
The PointWatch Eclipse provides an onboard
magnetic calibration/reset switch for non-intrusive
calibration capability. The magnetic switch is
located on the device bulkhead. See Figure 14 for
switch location. An onboard tri-color LED is also
provided to signal the operator when to apply and
remove calibration gas.
2. remote Switch and Indicating leD
A special Remote Termination Box (Model PIRTB)
is available for initiating calibration from a remote
location. The PIRTB provides an internal magnetic
switch and indicating LED (LED is on/off only, not
tri-color). A version of the junction box is furnished
with a clear window on the cover, enabling non-
intrusive calibration capability.
To initiate calibration, start by applying nitrogen, then
actuate the magnetic switch for two seconds. Upon
initiation, the Eclipse automatically performs the zero
calibration adjustment, and then signals the operator
when it is time to apply calibration gas. When the span
adjustment is complete, the Eclipse returns to normal
mode after the calibration gas has cleared. The indicating
LED (either onboard LED or PIRTB LED, if used) provides
visual signals to the operator regarding the proper time to
apply and remove the calibration gas.
For Zero Only Calibration, start by applying nitrogen, then
actuate the magnetic switch for two seconds. When the
LED indicator flashes red (a signal to apply calibration
gas), re-initiate the magnetic switch. This action instructs
the Eclipse to utilize the previous span setting, and
return to normal mode without requiring application of
calibration gas.
Digital Communication Calibration
HART or MODBUS communication may be utilized to
initiate Eclipse calibration. Refer to the appropriate
Appendix for details.
DeTaIleD CalIbraTIon proCeDUre USInG
Refer to Tables 4 and 5 for a quick summary of the
standard calibration sequence.
1. Apply Nitrogen gas.
2. Apply magnet for 2 seconds minimum to initiate
A. The onboard LED turns to steady red.
B. The LED within the PIRTB (if used) turns on.
C. The Eclipse current output decreases from 4
mA to 1 mA when the default Eclipse calibration
routine is used.
3. When Zero Calibration is complete:
A. The onboard LED changes from steady red to
flashing red.
B. The LED within the PIRTB (if used) begins
C. The Eclipse current output does not change
from the 1 mA level when the default Eclipse
calibration routine is used.
D. Remove Nitrogen gas.
E. The operator should now apply 1%/vol of CO
calibration gas to the Eclipse if conducting
Normal Calibration.
F. If conducting Zero Only Calibration, the operator
should re-apply the magnet to the switch.
This will conclude the Zero Only calibration
4. When Span Calibration is complete:
A. The onboard LED changes from flashing red to
B. The operator should now close the valve and
remove the calibration gas from the Eclipse.
It is normal for the eclipse LeD to go off or turn
blank (no color displayed) until the calibration gas
is cleared from the optics chamber. Remove the
weather baffle if necessary to clear residual gas.
C. The LED within the PIRTB (if used) changes to
steady on.
D. The Eclipse current output does not change
from the 1 mA level when the default Eclipse
calibration routine is used (see Table 3).