COATS 7xxx Series Tire Changer User Manual

Page 25

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Important: Always read and follow operating instructions.

• 21


Now repeat step 5, to position tool for lower bead

removal (figure 47).

Figure 47 - Bead Lifter Tool Hooked Under Tire Bead


While holding tire up in the drop center, lift tire to

hook the bead on leverless tool, push control handle up

to lift bead over rim (figure 48).

Figure 48 - Push Control Handle Up To Lift Bead Over Rim


Depress the table top pedal to rotate wheel. The

bead lifter tool will guide the bead up and over the edge

of the wheel. Continue rotation until the lower bead is


Tire Mounting


Lubricate tire beads liberally with tire manufac-

turer’s approved rubber lubricate.


Place tire over wheel and move swing arm into

position making sure the valve stem is at the 9 o’clock

position in front of bead lock. Position tire so that lower

bead is above the rear extension of the bead lifter tool

and below the front knob (figure 49).

Figure 49 - Position Tire Against Bead Lifter Tool


Depress table top pedal and rotate wheel to

mount lower bead. Use drop center of wheel by forc-

ing down on tire just ahead of the mounting tool, and

follow as tire rotates Rotate table top until lower bead

is mounted.


For top bead installation, rotate table top until the

valve stem on wheel is just in front of where the bead

crosses the rim (figure 50). Be sure the tire is on top of

the mount/demount tool tail.

Figure 50 - Position Valve Stem In Front Of Bead Lock


Slightly lower leverless tool to push bead down;

hold opposite side of tire down into drop-center.


Depress table top pedal and rotate tire until bead

is mounted. Be careful to ensure bead stays in the rim

drop center in the area ahead of the bead lifter tool.


Inflate, unclamp per standard instructions.


Valve Stem