Caution, Removing pax tire & support from rim – COATS 9024 E-PAX and 9024E PAX Adapter User Manual

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Important: Always read and follow the operating instructions.

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200. Removing PAX
Tire & Support From

Read and understand the
complete portion of the
removal process prior too
servicing your first tire. This
will help prevent damage to
the tire and wheel.

Refer to the line drawing dia-
gram (page 5) often to under-
stand the sequence of

200. Deflate the tire completely

by removing the valve core from
the tire pressure sensor; this is a
special core and should not be con-
fused with standard cores.

201. Place the PAX tire to be

serviced with the back side of the
rim up. This is the large diameter
side of the tire.

202. Next, position the center

post into the riser and twist clock-
wise to secure the post to the

203. From the centering cone

selection, select the cone that best
fits and centers the wheel.

204. Place the locking nut system

over the center post and tighten
using a short extension, apply about
50 foot pounds of force.

205. Rotate the upper arm roller

device over the tire and wheel and
place the edge of the large roller at
the intersection of the tire and
wheel. Start rotating the wheel and
apply a small amount of down
force to the roller to loosen the
bead from the rim and create a
small gap for the rubber lubricant
application. Make one complete

206. Continue to rotate the

tire/wheel and apply a liquid rubber
lubricant into the tire rim gap inter-
section. Do this for one complete
revolution. Make sure the rubber
lubricant is in the groove all the
way around the tire.