Caution – COATS 9024 E-PAX and 9024E PAX Adapter User Manual
Page 14
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Important: Always read and follow the operating instructions.
307. Apply a downward force
with roller system; the roller will
help force the lift bar down; guide
the top of the support ring to the
outside of the tire.
308. Twist the lift bar up to start
the insert out of the tire.
309. Move to the backside of the
tire/insert, place the end of the lift
bar inside one of the support ring
cavities and lever the ring out of
the tire.
310. Continue the lever action
until the ring is free of the tire side-
311. Move back to the forward
side of the tire/support; grasp the
ring by placing fingers inside cavi-
ties of the ring. Pull the ring and
push on the tire until the ring is
free from the tire.
400. Inserting
Support Ring Inside
Tire - Using Machine
To Hold & Ovalize
Read and understand the
complete portion of the
installation process prior too
servicing your first tire. This
will help prevent damage to
the tire and wheel.
Refer to the line drawing dia-
gram (page 5) often to under-
stand the sequence of
Remove any rubber lubricant
from the inside area of the tire
as this can contaminate the
PAX gel allowing it to reposi-
tion and affect tire balance.
Remove any PAX gel from the
tire bead area as this could
result in tire to rim slippage
and ultimately affect tire bal-