COATS 9024 E-PAX and 9024E PAX Adapter User Manual

Page 12

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Important: Always read and follow the operating instructions.

221. While holding the lift bar

down, position the right-hand
tapered roller assist device near
the edge of the tire tread and apply
an upward force.

222. This upward force from

the roller should free the tire bead
from the rim.

223. With the bead completely

free of the rim, remove the plastic

224. Remove the tire/wheel

assembly and flip the assembly
upside down. Secure the wheel
with the hub nut.

225. Position the tire bead

against the support ring.

226. Position the tapered roller

near the support ring.

227. Rotate the assembly and

continue to push down with the

228. Continue to rotate and

push down until the support ring
and tire are separated.

229. Note that the separation

of the tire and rim has left the tire
trapped. The rim must be removed
from the riser to allow the tire to
be removed.