Serial communication – APG IRU-9400 user manual User Manual
Page 17
Rev. B1, 3/10
IRU Series
Automation Products Group, Inc.
APG...Providing tailored solutions for measurement applications
Tel: 1/888/525-7300 • Fax: 1/435/753-7490 • • [email protected]
• Serial Communication
(IRU-6429S and IRU-9429S only)
Sensors with the built-in RS-232 communications will communicate at 9600
baud, 8 bit with 1 stop bit and no parity. The sensor will accept an ASCII
command, and return distance and temperature values in ASCII. When the
sensor receives the SEND command (all capital letters), the sensor will transmit
the distance in feet followed by a comma and then the temperature in degrees
Celsius, followed by a carriage return and line feed. The distance will be five
characters (e.g. 05.25) and the temperature will have a + or - followed by one or
two characters (e.g. +22).
NOTE: In applications where the sensor is powered down between readings,
each time the sensor is powered, the sensor must be given enough time to
initialize and process the readings through the filtering parameters (averaging,
out of range samples, window, and sample rate) before the sensor can be polled
with a SEND command. This can take anywhere from 3 to 30+ seconds,
depending on the settings in the filtering parameters.