Aerovent IM-201 User Manual
Page 15

Aerovent IM-201
8.1 If a fan is not installed immediately upon receipt, it is the responsibility
of the purchaser/user to see to it that proper procedures are followed in
order to minimize deterioration which may result from idle storage.
8.2 Fan equipment should be stored indoors or in a well sheltered location.
The storage area must be clean and dry, well above any maximum antici-
pated water level. The equipment should be left crated/skidded, and not
stacked over or under other equipment. Unpainted machined parts should
be given a protective coating of Sprayon #322 or equal; this coating
should be renewed periodically per the manufacturer’s instructions. For
fans equipped with vane sections, the core end cover should be removed
to gain adequate access to the interior and reach the impeller hub. These
interior areas require the same rust inhibitor application and renewal as
given above. The cover should be replaced for storage, but each may
be fastened with a minimum of assembly hardware to facilitate access.
Remaining fastener hardware should be bagged and tagged, and attached
to the fan to prevent loss of these items. (It is recommended that the
fan be tagged indicating that all fasteners must be replaced before opera-
8.3 Each impeller blade should be numbered in sequence with a felt-tipped
marker. The blade marked No. 1 should be rotated to top center. The
blade number and date should be recorded in a log book which is to
be stored in a protective pouch attached to the fan. During storage, the
fan impeller should be rotated by hand at least 10 revolutions every 30
days to circulate the lubricant in the bearings in the motor. After the tenth
revolution, stop with a blade at top center which is not the same one as
is listed for the previous date in the log book.
8.4 If the fan motor is equipped with internal heaters, the heaters must be
energized throughout the storage period to prevent condensation which
might damage bearings or electrical components. For motors not equipped
with internal heaters, the motor should be enclosed in heavy-duty poly-
ethylene, wrapped as tightly as possible.
Enclose bags of dessicant (such as Silicagel) with the motor to minimize
moisture problems. Check the dessicant regularly and replace it periodi-
cally as dictated by climate requirements. In addition, it is strongly sug-
gested that the motor manufacturer be contacted for specific long term
storage instructions.
8.5 The bearings in the fan motor or on the fan shaft should require only
minimum lubrication during storage. Follow lubrication instructions in the
instruction manual enclosed with the fan.
8.6 After an extended period of storage, it is advisable to have the fan motor
thoroughly checked before the fan is installed. Motor bearings, lubricant
and electrical condition should be given special consideration. Reassemble
cover to fan and follow AXIAD instruction manual for installation and start-