Apple AppleShare IP 5.0 Update User Manual

Page 44

background image

placing on hold 256
queuing and printing a job 77, 79–81
releasing jobs on hold 257
removing printer assignments 258
selecting folder for storing 252

Print Server 247–268. See also printers;
printing; queues

attaching printers to a queue 75–79, 250–251

settings for 251–252
the startup disk 307, 308


for Macintosh users 40
for Windows and Windows 95 users 42

creating multiple queues 251
features of 11

print jobs 254–259
queues 260–265

Print Server Activity window 253
sending jobs to queue from 79
setting up 74–81

creating queues and attaching printers 75–79
queuing and printing a job 79–81

starting the 248
stopping the 248–250
system specifications for 293
troubleshooting 285–288
unable to start 270
viewing logs of 265–268

Print Server Activity window 75, 253
Print Server icon 60
Print Server Settings dialog box 252
privileges. See access privileges
Privileges button (Disk & Share Points

window) 158

Privileges window 66

optimizing power for 135–136
requirements for installing AppleShare IP 5.0 18
specifications for 289

Product Serial Number card 295

program linking

enabling 88
for guests 97
for multiple users 105

Program Linking dialog box 105
protecting serial numbers 295
protocol support 293


Quaterman, John S. 16
queues 259–265. See also printers; print jobs

attaching printers to 75–79, 250–251
changing the names of 262
creating multiple 251
deleting 264–265
detaching printers from 262–264
holds on

placing 259–260
releasing 260

moving print jobs to top of 255–256
naming 76
printing jobs while queuing 77
queuing and printing a job 79–81
showing logs for all 267
system specifications for 293
troubleshooting problems in 285
viewing status of 79, 253


RAM (random access memory). See also cache


to Mail Server 236–237
for system software 301–303

for installing AppleShare IP 5.0 19
limiting the size of cache 138–139
resetting the cache temporarily 138
specifications for 289
system performance and 135
troubleshooting problems with 278

Read & Write access privilege 153, 155
Read & Write privilege icon 67
Read Only access privilege 153, 155

