Apple AppleShare IP 5.0 Update User Manual

Page 32

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sharing Making a hard disk, CD-ROM disc, or
folder available so network users can access it.

SimpleText An application that can display the
contents of the Web & File Server log if the log is
less than 32K in size.

SMTP Acronym for Simple Mail Transfer
The Mail Server uses SMTP to
exchange mail with other mail servers. In addition,
client mail applications use SMTP to send mail to
the Mail Server.

special characters Characters that require two
bytes to represent them, such as the characters that
are formed by pressing the Option key in
combination with another key. The trademark and
bullet symbols are examples of special characters.

TCP Acronym for Transmission Control Protocol.
TCP is one of the most well known of the Internet

URL Acronym for universal resource locator. A
URL is the address of a Web site.

User/Group A category of users for which you can
set access privileges to shared folders and disks.
The category consists of any user or group that is

user name The name chosen by a user or network
administrator to identify a registered user.

Users & Groups Data File The file in which user
and group information is stored. The Users &
Groups Data File is in the Preferences folder, inside
the startup disk’s System Folder.

User window When you register a new user, you
enter the user’s name, password, user attributes, and
click Save. The user’s name then appears in the
window’s title bar. The window is then referred to
as the User window.

volume A hard disk attached to the computer, a
CD-ROM disc, or a folder contained on a hard disk
or CD-ROM disc, that is shared.

Web page The content of a single HTML file
displayed by a Web browser.

Web site A collection of related Web pages made
available by the same Web server.

zone Zones are set up by a network administrator
and are used to group devices on an AppleTalk

