Apple AppleShare IP 5.0 Update User Manual
Page 14

Follow the network cable and check each computer
When you know the AppleTalk network address for the computer that is
running the duplicate software, work with your network administrator to
identify the physical location of the network cable that matches the network
address. This location will probably give you or your network administrator a
good idea where the computer is located.
If you still can’t find the computer, you need to follow the cable along its
path, systematically looking for any attached computer and checking each
computer to see if it’s the duplicate. Your network administrator may have a
network topology map you can use to help in your search.
Contact your Apple support representative
If you can’t contact the other computer’s administrator and you do not have
network tracking and analysis software, see the Apple Software Service
Directory that came with your AppleShare IP software for information about
contacting the appropriate support representative for your area. Apple’s
support representatives will help you determine if a new serial number is
needed. Be prepared to provide your identification and purchase information.
When you find a computer with a duplicate serial number
Only a user who has administrative privileges can change the serial number. If
the administrator for the computer isn’t available, look for some identifying
information about that person in the area nearby or ask people working
nearby how to contact the administrator.
If you must resolve the conflict quickly, but you can’t contact the other
administrator, contact the appropriate Apple support representative in your
area to request a new serial number for your computer. (See the Apple
Software Service Directory that came with your AppleShare IP software for
details.) You’ll need to provide your identification and purchase information.
(Be sure to follow the guidelines at the beginning of this appendix for
recording a new number, making copies, and storing the information in
secure places.)
Appendix B / Serial Number Verification and Conflict Resolution