Index – Apple AppleShare IP 5.0 Update User Manual
Page 33

access privileges. See also guest access; security
for duplicate users 95
to Web folder 194
log-on 103
for multiple users 102
the Owner or User/Group category 167–168
comparison of AppleShare versions and
controlling access
to disks, folders, and files 171–175
of unregistered users 170
to Web sites 194
enabling additional administrators 88
how users see 168–169
icons for 67
locking folders and files 172–175
reassigning for deleted users or groups 109–110
security features of 153–154
setting 66–67, 160–168
adopted privileges 163–164
explicit privileges 161–163
privileges of all enclosed folders 165–167
troubleshooting problems with 271–274, 277
user categories and 154–155
Action field
listing of defaults 290–292
for MIME type mapping 197
selecting action for 199
comments to user’s accounts 91
greeting messages 142
MIME type mappings 198–200
passwords when duplicating new users 94, 95
serial numbers 149–151
users to groups 90
displaying IP addresses for computer 227
entering E-mail 72
entering IP 29
dynamic 239, 240, 241
static 239
router 29, 184–185, 239
administering users and groups 83–119. See also
groups; users
allowing and denying guest access 95–97, 273
group membership 111–112
names of groups 111
user names, Internet aliases, and
passwords 100
groups 98–99
new users individually 84–91
users by duplication 91–95
deleting users and groups 108–110