Apple AppleShare IP 5.0 Update User Manual

Page 37

background image

Disconnect User button (Web & File Server

Activity window) 130

Disconnect Users dialog box 130
Disk & Share Points window 65, 157
disks. See hard disks
disk space

requirements for installing AppleShare IP 5.0 19
setting preferred amount for Mail Server 223

displaying information

about AppleShare IP Mail Database file 228
about print jobs 254–255
DNS names and IP addresses for computers 227
POP account names 72–73
saving displayed logs as text files 266
serial numbers 299

DNS (Domain Name System) service. See

also MacDNS

displaying DNS name for computers 227
entering domain names 30, 55–56
Mail Server and 245–246
name servers and DNS service 29–30, 56
setting up AppleShare IP with 45


AppleShare Client User’s Manual 40
glossary for 313–316
locating files for 31–32
onscreen manual 12
overview of 12–13
retail books 15–16
technical 15
using onscreen help 14
WWW support pages 16

domain names 30, 55–56
Domain Name System (DNS) service. See

DNS service

Duplicate General Attributes checkbox (Duplicate

User Multiple window) 93, 94

duplicate serial numbers

how to resolve 298
troubleshooting 271

Duplicate User Multiple window 93


MIME type mappings 202–203
user accounts 91–95

dynamic IP addresses

effects on Web & File Server usage 241
entering 240


Easy Install procedure

files and folders installed with 31–32
steps for 33–34

Easy Setup. See AppleShare IP Easy Setup
Elements of Web Design (Dinucci, Stiles, and

Giudice) 16


addressed to unknown hosts 214–218
attributes for importing files 310–311
designating administrators for 57
entering user addresses 72
Mail Server

error log 235
viewing status of 231–232

maximum concurrent connections for 229
maximum number of messages per POP

connection 226

monitoring outgoing 230–232
setting up

client mail applications 73–74
mail forwarding 210–214
for users 70–73, 208–210

system specifications for 293
transferring to users 226
troubleshooting 282–284
undeliverable mail 221

E-mail administrators 57

AppleShare client connections over TCP


changing of passwords 89, 106
E-mail for users 208–210
FTP connections 143–146
guest access to Web & File Server 97
mail for users 70–74
