Apple AppleShare IP 5.0 Update User Manual

Page 36

background image

client mail applications

displaying POP account names 72–73
maximum connections for SMTP-compliant 293
setting up 73–74

color printing 77
Comer, Douglas 16

adding to user’s account 91
duplicating for users 95

Common Gateway Interface (CGIs) scripts 196

displaying DNS name for 227
entering names for system setup 23
running Mail Server on multiple 206–207
tracking incorrect serial numbers of 297–298

connections. See also troubleshooting


increasing number of for Mail Server


lowering number of 136–137
for sending and receiving mail 229
setting limits for use of applications 175
system specifications for 293

enabling and disabling

AppleShare client connections over TCP


FTP 143–146

managing with other mail servers 237
monitoring 127
redialing with modem 243
services available with Macintosh protocols 38
viewing user’s type of 127

copying files and folders between volumes


copy-protecting files 173–175

groups 98–99
multiple queues 251
queues and attaching printers 75–79
users 60–63, 84–95

Creator field

defined 197
listing of defaults 290–292
for MIME type mapping 197
selecting creator code for 200

Custom Install procedure 35–37
Custom Setup option 54–59


Date & Time control panel 34, 37, 272

disabling log on after specified 89
resetting 272
setting computer’s internal 34, 37
setting expiration 104, 149

Delete Users/Groups button (Users & Groups List

window) 109


MIME type mappings 203
print jobs 259
queues 264–265
serial numbers 149–151
users and groups 108–110

denying guest access 95–97
detaching printers from queues 262–263
Detach Printer button (Edit Queue window) 262
Dinucci, Darcy 16

AppleShare client connections over TCP


energy saving setting 23
FTP connections 143–146
log on

after specified date 89
to Mail Server and Web & File Server 88

mail for users 226
users from changing passwords 89, 106
Web logging 140, 190–191
Web service 189

disconnecting users

canceling disconnection 131–133
setting time for 131
from Web & File Server 129–131

