Apple AppleShare IP 5.0 Update User Manual

Page 26

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The easiest way to add passwords is to use a spreadsheet program. In the
spreadsheet program, insert a column after the column of Internet aliases. By
saving the file as a tab-delimited text file, the spreadsheet program
automatically adds two tab characters for any users for whom you didn’t add
a password.

When passwords are added, the format of the file is as follows:

User name Internet alias Password Comment E-mail attributes

The following information applies to each field:


User name. This field is mandatory. Its maximum length is 31 characters.


Internet alias. This field is optional. The maximum length is 31 characters.


Password. This field is optional. The maximum length is 8 characters.


Comment. This field is optional. The maximum length is 194 characters.


E-mail attributes. This field is optional.

Here is a sample record:

Jan Smith jan fhfg1s3g Jan’s comment HasMail

The E-mail attributes field is composed of one or more subfields, separated
by a tab character. The content of the e-mail attributes field can be one of the
following keywords:


The keyword “NoMail” is required if mail is not enabled for the user.


The keyword “HasMail” is required to enable mail for the user.

The keyword “NO POP” indicates that APOP is not required.

The keyword “APOP” is required if the user’s client mail application
is required to supply an encrypted password when it logs on to the
Mail Server.


The keyword “ForwardInternet” is required to enable auto forwarding over
TCP for the user and is followed by a tab character and the e-mail address
to which mail is to be forwarded. The maximum length of the Internet
address is 255 characters.


Appendix E / Import File Format