Apple AppleShare IP 5.0 Update User Manual

Page 31

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MIME Acronym for Multipurpose Internet Mail
. MIME is a standard for specifying an
action that is to take place when a file that has
certain characteristics is transferred.

mount To make hard disks and CD-ROM discs

multihoming A feature of Open Transport that
allows a computer to be connected to up to four
network segments at the same time. Network
applications that are multihoming aware can work
over multiple segments. Network applications that
do not support multihoming work only on the
segment that is selected as the default port.

MX Acronym for mail exchange. An MX record
stores the IP address of a computer’s mail server.

network A collection of devices such as servers,
computers, and printers that are connected together
and communicate with one another. A network
allows users to store, share, and retrieve information
as well as share network devices such as printers.

network administrator The person responsible
for setting up, maintaining, and troubleshooting
a network. See AppleShare IP administrator.

Network Trash folder Deleted files and folders
that can accumulate on the server (in an invisible
folder called the Network Trash folder) if users are
disconnected. The AppleShare IP Web & File
Server empties the Network Trash folder
automatically when it starts up and periodically

owner The registered user who created or was
assigned ownership of a folder.

Parallel Directory Structure (PDS) file An
invisible file created on your computer when you
install the AppleShare IP software. This file keeps
track of unique identification numbers assigned to
each user and group that you create as well as each
folder on your computer’s hard disks.

password A unique word or set of characters that
must be entered before a registered user can gain
access to a volume on the Web & File Server or to
the user’s E-mail account.

PDS See Parallel Directory Structure (PDS) file.

POP Acronym for Post Office Protocol. Client
mail programs use this protocol to receive mail
from the Mail Server. The most recent version of
POP is version 3.

PPD file Acronym for PostScript printer
file. The PPD file defines the
capabilities of a printer.

printer driver Software that controls the exchange
of information between a computer and a printer.

print queue log A chronological list of documents
that have been printed.

privileges See access privileges.

program linking The ability of a program to
exchange information directly with another program
over a network. To use program linking, both
programs must have the capability.

RAM Acronym for random-access memory. The
part of a computer’s memory that stores information
temporarily while you’re working on it. Information
in RAM can be referred to in an arbitrary or random
order, hence the term random access.

registered user A user who has been given a user
name and password by the administrator. Usually,
registered users have greater access privileges to
volumes on a file server than guests or anonymous

shared disk A hard disk, CD-ROM disc, or other
storage medium whose contents can be retrieved
over the network.

shared folder A folder that is available to some or
all network users over the network.

share point A disk, CD-ROM disc, or folder that is
set to be shared in its Privileges window. All of the
folders that a share point contains are also shared.
