Apple AppleShare IP 5.0 Update User Manual

Page 43

background image

lowering number of concurrent connections


resetting the cache temporarily 138

maximum level of processing power


for Print Server 76–77


CD-ROM mounting 272
mouse and keyboard input 274
printing 287–288
Web & File Server speed 273

upgrading and 38
Web logging and 140, 190–191

Outgoing Mail window 230–231

of AppleTalk Filing Protocol (AFP) 39
of AppleTalk network system 16
of documentation 12–13
of File Transfer Protocol (FTP) 39
of the Mail Server 205

owner names 23
Owner user category

changing 167–168
defined 154


paper-conserving printer options 76–77
passwords. See also security

adding when duplicating new users 94, 95
case-sensitivity of 87
changing for users 100–101
disabling users from changing 89, 106

for system setup 23
user 87

forgotten 274, 278, 281
importing 116, 309–310
preventing logon with incorrect 148
reasons for changing 100
requiring new 89

for multiple users 106–107


expiration dates for 149
minimum length of 148
for users 61, 63

troubleshooting problems about 274, 276–277,

279, 281

personal files 272, 280
placing on hold

print jobs 256
queues 259–260

Planning and Managing AppleTalk Networks 16
POP (Post Office Protocol) connections

displaying account names of 72–73
increasing number of 236–237
information in Mail Server log about 234
maximum number of e-mail messages per 226
system specifications for concurrent 293

PPP dialog box 241
Preferences folder

storing print jobs and 252
Web & File Log in 128

printer drivers 40, 75
printers. See also queues

assigning to print jobs 258
compatibility with Print Server 75
making visible in Chooser 78
printing banner pages 76

attaching to 75–79, 250–251
detaching from 262–264

queuing and printing a job 79–81
removing assignments for print jobs 259
system specifications for 293


displayed logs 266
jobs while queuing 77
queuing and 79–81
troubleshooting 285–288

print jobs 254–259. See also queues

assigning printers to 258
deleting 259
displaying the Monitor Queue window 254–255
moving to top of queue 256–257
