Operation – Class1 107490 - UNI-Governor 107396 107269 software v 6 00 User Manual
Page 6

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[ M O D E ]
When the governor is initially powered up, neither the RPM
nor the PRESSURE LED will be illuminated. If the IDLE
Switch is held on prior to power being applied, the informa-
tion will remain in the message center as long the IDLE Switch
is depressed.
At this point, the operator must select an operating mode
with the MODE switch before the governor will operate.
The governor will check for a valid pressure transducer sig-
nal at power up, if none is found SENSOR will be displayed
in the message center. The governor will operate, but will not
be able to maintain a pump pressure.
If no interlocks are established, NO-INTLK will be displayed
in the message center when the MODE switch is pressed
and the governor will not respond to an increase or decrease
N O - I N T L K
If only the OEM throttle interlock is active, you may select
RPM mode and RPM will be displayed.
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