Class1 ENFO IV - 1 page User Manual

Class1 For the car

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ENFO IV Display (PN 108661)

Quick Manual



The ENFO IV will display Engine RPM, Engine Oil Pressure, and
Engine Coolant Temperature when the associated CAN message is
received or the corresponding display will show dashes if its
messages are not being received. Voltage will always be displayed.
The external alarm will activate when Oil pressure is 10 PSI or less,
Engine temperature is 250


F or higher, or voltage is 11.9V or less on

a 12V system (23.8V or less with 24V system – the ENFO IV uses
automatic voltage detection to determine the low voltage point).
During a low voltage or low oil pressure condition the corresponding
display will alternate between the current value and “LO”.
During a high temperature condition the Engine Temp display will
alternate between the temperature and “HI”.


The ENFO IV can supply a maximum of 250 mA to an external alarm.
The silence switch will silence the alarm for 5 minutes.

For a detailed operation manual visit

Manual PN 109135 Rev090303

ENFO IV Display (PN 108661)

Quick Manual



The ENFO IV will display Engine RPM, Engine Oil Pressure, and Engine
Coolant Temperature
when the associated CAN message is received or
the corresponding display will show dashes if its messages are not being
received. Voltage will always be displayed.
The external alarm will activate when Oil pressure is 10 PSI or less, Engine
temperature is 250


F or higher, or voltage is 11.9V or less on a 12V system

(23.8V or less with 24V system – the ENFO IV uses automatic voltage
detection to determine the low voltage point).
During a low voltage or low oil pressure condition the corresponding display
will alternate between the current value and “LO”.
During a high temperature condition the Engine Temp display will alternate
between the temperature and “HI”.


The ENFO IV can supply a maximum of 250 mA to an external alarm.
The silence switch will silence the alarm for 5 minutes.

For a detailed operation manual visit

Manual PN 10935 Rev090303