3 mcs analog panel – BNC 970 Portable Multi-Channel Analyzer (MCA) User Manual
Page 38

Model 970 Instruction Manual
5.3 MCS Analog Panel
This panel displays an analog-style meter movement of the current Acquisition. The settings for
this panel can be altered independently of the Chart display.
If Alarm at: is checked, the analog display will turn red and an audible alarm will sound, if the
count rate exceeds the value contained in the input box. The alarm will reset when the count rate
falls below the alarm level, or when the box is unchecked.
Meter Response Time
changes the number of seconds of data over which the analog display is
averaged. Higher values will result in a “smoother” meter action, but slower response to changes
in the count rate. This can be varied between 1 and 60 seconds.
If Autorange is checked, the meter scale will change automatically based on the count rate.
Scale Max
changes the base value for the upper limit of the analog display.
The x 1 through x 10,000 radio buttons are scale ranges for the analog display.
Ratemeter units
allows the capability to change the analog display between units of counts per
minute (cpm), or counts per second (cps).