BNC 835-3 Programmer Manual User Manual

Page 30

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Berkeley Nucleonics


Programmer’s Manual v1.0

Page 30 of 37

If the entered value for the pulse period is equal to or less than the value for the pulse
width, the pulse width changes to a value that is less than the pulse period.
*RST 2.5 ms
Range 200 ns – 10 s

This command sets the pulse width for the internally generated pulse signal.
This command sets the pulse width for the internally- generated pulse modulation using
the variable .
If the entered value for the pulse width is equal to or greater than the value for the pulse
period, the pulse width changes to a value that is less than the pulse period.
*RST 1.25 ms
Range 50 nS to PERiod

[SOURce]:PULM:SOURce INTernal|EXTernal

This command enables or disables pulse modulation for the selected path.
*RST 0

This command sets the modulation mode. With “FIXed”, the normal ON/OFF modulation
can be performed. With LIST, a arbitrary bit pattern can be loaded that will be used to
modulate the carrier. LIST mode will be available with firmware 2.1
*RST 0

:TRIGger Subsystem

Triggers control the playback by telling the BNC MODEL 835-3 when to play the signal.
Depending on the trigger settings for the BNC MODEL 835-3, the waveform playback can
occur once, continuously, or the BNC MODEL 835-3 may start and stop playing the
waveform repeatedly (GATE mode). A trigger signal comprises both positive and negative
signal transitions (states), which are also called high and low periods. You can configure
the BNC MODEL 835-3 to trigger on either state of the trigger signal. It is common to
have multiple triggers, also referred to as trigger occurrences or events, occur when the
signal generator requires only a single trigger. In this situation, the BNC MODEL 835-3
recognizes the first trigger and ignores the rest.
When you select a trigger mode, you may lose the signal from the RF output until you
trigger the waveform.

There are four parts to configuring the trigger:

1. Choosing the trigger type which controls the waveform’s transmission.

NORMal : trigger edge initiates/stops sweeps