Black Box LRA005A-R2 User Manual
Page 54

• client access shift—Refer to Section 5.4.3.
• client name—Enter the name of the remote client. The client name must be 8 characters or less and
is not case-sensitive. The remote client application for the client must be configured with the same
client name.
• client password—Enter the password for the remote client. The client password must be 8 characters or
less and is not case-sensitive. The remote client software for the client must be configured with the
same client password.
• enable client—Enter y to enable the client, or n to disable the client. If a remote client is enabled, then
the client can access the network via the Router, during the time interval determined by the client’s
access time and the client access shift of the Router. If a remote client is disabled, then the client
cannot access the network via the Router at any time.
• access time—Enter the access time code for the client. Enter 1 for access during the client access shift,
0 for access at any time not during the client access shift, or B for access at all times. The access time
for a remote client is defined in terms of the client access shift for the Router. Access time is either
inside of (during) the client access shift, outside of (not during) the client access shift, or both inside
and outside of the client access shift (24 hour access).
• time quota—Enter the time quota for the client, in minutes per day, from 0 to 1440. The default time
quota is 1440 minutes (24 hours). The time quota limits the amount of Router connection time
allowed each day, for each remote client (with callback enabled). Time accrues against the time
quota only when the Router initiates a callback during the authentication process. When a remote
client (without callback enabled) initiates a call, that time is not accrued against the time quota.
• idle time—Enter the idle time desired, in seconds (0 to 86400). The idle time default is 240 seconds (4
minutes). The idle time is the time allowed before the Router drops the telephone line, when there
is no network traffic over that line. After the telephone line is dropped, the remote client must re-
initiate the login and authentication process, in order to connect. To log back into the Router after
the idle timer has expired, choose “Login to a Router” from the Connection menu of the DOS or
Windows interface. Note that the Router and remote client must go through authentication each
time that a client dials in.
• callback phone number—Enter the telephone number where the client can be reached. The telephone
number must begin with a numeral, and may contain special characters. The default for each client
is no callback number.
If callback is enabled, after normal client authentication, the Router puts the client into auto-answer
mode, disconnects the telephone line, and calls the client back at the callback number. This ensures
that the remote client is accessing the network from a predetermined location and telephone
number. Note that there is no method for changing the callback number from the remote client
side, which is what makes it secure.
The callback number is a security feature that is only available if the remote client is using the Async
Client remote access software (called Remote Office).