Black Box LRA005A-R2 User Manual
Page 165

The dialup command configures the dialup parameters for interface iface.
Subcommands and parameters
dialup iface client [dummy secs]
Sets the modem network to client mode. A network configured for client mode must have the dialup client
command present in the network configuration. After setting a network to client mode, the phone number,
idle, and quota fields are set to zero. When a client logs on, these fields are set to the values specified by
the client account.
iface modem0-4, sync0
[dummy secs]—Dummy is a nonfunctioning argument. Sets the time in seconds before the Router
up on the interface iface, when there is no traffic on that interface.
dialup iface demand phone# [secs]
Dials the phone number and then monitors the connection. If the remote device is down, and there is
output queued, Router dials again. If no output has been queued in secs seconds, Router disconnects
and resets the modem to ensure it is down. If a backup phone number is specified with dialup backup it
is attempted if the primary phone number is busy or does not answer.
iface modem0-4, sync0
phone#—The primary phone number of the remote device you want to monitor. A backup phone
number can be defined using the dialup backup subcommand.
The amount of time the Router waits for the remote device you are monitoring to connect and
queue responses before switching back to the primary number.
dialup iface demand_backoff phone# [secs]
Operates similarly to the demand subcommand except that no connections are attempted for two
minutes after a failed call attempt. One end should be configured demand and the other end should be
configured demand_backoff. This prevents a deadlock if both sides are trying to prepare for a call at the
same time. The configuration procedure automatically designates one side of a connection as demand
and one side as demand_backoff.
modem0-4, sync0
The phone number of the remote device.
The amount of time the Router waits for the remote device you are monitoring to
connect and queue responses before switching back to the primary number.
dialup iface leased_answer
When a link is established some types of leased lines require one end to be designated as the answering
end. Contact your phone company for more information about your leased line.
modem0-4, sync0
dialup iface leased_originate
When a link is established some types of leased lines require one end to be designated as originate.