Black Box LRA005A-R2 User Manual
Page 230

router_addr—The address of the closest router to your Router where packets should be sent first,
called the next hop.
metric—The number of hops to the destination.
route delete dest_addr[/bits] [iface]
Deletes a route to dest_addr.
dest_addr—The address of the network towards which you are defining a route.
/bits—The number of significant contiguous bits in the address dest_addr to be used as a subnet mask
for matching. If the number of subnet mask bits is not specified, 32 bits are assumed as a default.
route [-f]
Flushes the dynamically-learned RIP entries from the routing tables.
route lookup dest_addr
Displays the route in the route table for that address (dest_addr).
4.13 snmp
Configure/display Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) information
snmp set community community_name [-p {ro | rw}] [-t {on | off}]
snmp delete community community_name
snmp set acl community_name host_addr [host_addr...]
snmp delete acl community_name host_addr [host_addr...]
snmp set authtrap {on | off}
snmp set contact contact_string
snmp set location location_string
snmp status [-c [community_name]]
The snmp command is used to configure and to display information about the Simple Network
Management Protocol (SNMP) agent.
The Router’s SNMP agent contains support for the Novell IPX MIB, but it does not
support SNMP over IPX. Your SNMP management application must be run over IP.
snmp set community community_name [-p {ro | rw}] [-t {on | off}]
Add a community by specifying its community_name.
-p—access privilege for the community. If the -p option is not specified, the default is ro (read-only).
Read and write access is granted using rw.
-t on—specifies that the Router send SNMP Trap PDUs to hosts in the Access Control List (ACL) of
the community. If the -t option is not specified, the default is off, and SNMP Traps are not generated