Black Box LRA005A-R2 User Manual
Page 218

Set the source address and length of the subnet mask:
src_addr/bits—Specify the source address and the significant number of high-order contiguous bits
used as a subnet mask to attempt matches. If no bits are specified, a default mask of 32 bits is
src_port—Specify the source port. The keyword any may be entered for src_addr or src_port. When
src_addr is any, a mask should not be specified, so that a wildcard condition may be applied to source
and destination addresses.
The src_port can be omitted (i.e. any port will match), a single 16-bit unsigned (decimal) number, a
number followed immediately by “+” (meaning nnn-65535), or two numbers joined by a dash (for
example, 6000-6063) meaning that range, with 6000 and 6063 also included.
[-d {[dest_addr/bits] [dest_port]}]
Set the destination address and/or destination port.
dest_addr/bits—Specify the destination address and the significant number of high-order contiguous
bits used as a subnet mask to attempt matches. If no bits are specified, a default mask of 32 bits is
dest_port—Specify the destination port. The keyword any may be entered for destination address or
destination port. When the destination address is any, a mask should not be specified, so that a
wildcard condition may be applied to source and destination addresses.
The dest_port can be omitted (i.e. any port will match), a single 16-bit unsigned (decimal) number, a
number followed immediately by “+” (meaning nnn-65535), or two numbers joined by a dash (for
example, 6000-6063) for a range, with 6000 and 6063 also included.
[-p proto]—Set the protocol type.
proto—Specify an integer greater than 0 and less than 65536. In addition to numbers, keywords can
also be used:
ICMPRED—The protocol field contains 1 and the ICMP subtype field is “redirect.”
TCPNEW—The protocol field contains 6 and the TCP flags field contains the SYN bit but not the
ACK bit; this packet requests the opening of a new connection.
TCPESTAB—The protocol field contains 6 and the TCP flags field either contains the ACK bit or
does not contain the SYN bit; i.e., this packet is not establishing a new connection.
SRCROUTE—The packet contains a source-routing option. (It matches with any protocol-field
[-l [{syslog | trap | both}]]
Select logging to occur.
syslog—send warnings to syslog
trap—send SNMP traps
both—send warnings to syslog and SNMP traps
[-i iface]—Specify a single interface to which the filter applies.
The default for the iface is all interfaces.