Black Box LRA005A-R2 User Manual
Page 245

is not busy. Try restarting the Router, if dialup reset doesn’t work.
DIALER: dialup once
: iface not available
A dialup once command line was issued when the dialer is not in a state from which it can dial out. Issue
the dialup reset command or reboot the Router to correct the irregular modem state and reissue the
dialer command line.
: iface invalid speed num
A modem initialization string from either the dialup command or a script file was given that included
an invalid modem speed. Only modem speeds divisible by 2400 are valid. Re-enter the command.
DIALER: Illegal interface
: iface
The interface specified in the dialup command is not a valid modem interface.
modemx cannot be dialed
An undefined error condition is preventing the dialer from functioning correctly on modemx. Restart
the Router and try again. If the problem continues, contact Technical Support.
modemx no dialer
An undefined problem has caused the dialer to terminate. Try restarting the Router to re-initialize the
modem. If the problem continues, contact Technical Support.
DIALER: invalid telephone number
: num_entered
The program has determined that the telephone number you enter or included in a script file is
invalid. Correct the number.
DIALER: Cant read dialer script file
, file_name
The dialer script file shown could not be found. Verify that dialer script file is present on the boot disk
and check for typos in the command file. (Dialer script files have the .dcf extension.) Then retry the
command line.
DIALER: Unknown interface
: iface
The interface specified in the dialup or dialup status command could not be found. Check your
command line for typos or enter another interface. Re-enter the dialup command line with the correct
modem interface.
A.2.3 F
Filters cannot be added to slave interface
This response to a filter add command indicates that the named iface argument is component of a
multilink group. You can only apply filters to the multilink interface, and not to the individual interfaces
in that group.