Black Box LRA005A-R2 User Manual
Page 203

unspecified, the default frame_type is 802.3.
router_addr—The Ethernet address of the next hop router to which packets should be sent. The
router_addr parameter must always be specified for Ethernet interfaces. Enter the router_addr as six
sets of two-digit hexadecimal numbers, separated by colons (“:”).
metric—The number of hops to the destination. Typically this is the number of additional routers the
packets must pass through to get to the destination. The maximum value is 16, while the default is 1.
ticks—The amount of time that a packet will take to get to the dest_net. Specify ticks in sixtieths of a
second. Default values are Ethernet interface=1, modem interface=5, and synchronous interface=10.
For any interface
Use route without a subcommand to display all routes listed in the Router’s Route Table. Each route’s
parameters are displayed in seven columns:
Network Interface Router/Next Hop Hops Ticks Timer Flags
• Network—These parameters are the network number,
• Interface—The interface used by the route,
• Router—The node number of the next hop,
• Next Hop—The number of hops to the remote network,
• Ticks—The number of “ticks” to the remote network,
• Timer—The current age in seconds of the route, and
• Flags—One or more flags describing the route. The “ticks” indicate approximately how long it takes
to reach the network. The Route Table flags are:
—Primary route—All routes will have this flag.
—New primary route—This route was learned since the last RIP update.
—Ageless route—The route is currently not being aged.
—Static route—This route was manually added using the route add subcommand.
route broadcast iface[/frame_type] [{enable | disable}]
Allows the user to enable the sending of periodic RIP broadcasts over the specified interface.
iface—eth0, modem0-4, sync0
/ frame_type—Specified as part of the interface, and can be either 802.3, 802.2, SNAP or II (for
Ethernet Type 2). Use a slash to separate the iface from the frame_type—for example, eth0/802.2. If
left unspecified, the default frame_type is 802.3.
enable—If enabled, broadcasts are sent.
disable—If disabled, broadcasts are not sent.
route -f
Flushes or deletes all RIP routes in the route table. During a flush, static routes are not removed. To