Black Box LRA005A-R2 User Manual
Page 113

3. Define the interface (logical port):
interface async 1
ip address w.w.w.w m.m.m.m
encapsulation ppp
async default ip address b.b.b.b
async mode interactive
ppp authentication chap
Where w.w.w.w is the IP address (Cisco), m.m.m.m is the mask number (Cisco), and b.b.b.b is the IP
address (Router).
You can use the same username/password for CHAP validation, that you used to log in.
4. Choose between show and other non-privileged troubleshooting commands displayed when you
enter “?,” or enter PPP using the command:
ppp default /routing /compress.
This combination of options is comfortable for most network managers. When you dial into the port,
you are prompted with:
User Access Verification
Username: xxxxx
Alternatively, you can block access to the command prompt by selecting async mode dedicated. You can
even drop straight into PPP when the modem answers.We have found that access to the command
prompt is valuable for debugging after the initial configuration, and that it is easy to write a login script
to issue the “ppp” command. Refer to the sample login script provided after the next section.
Dialing Out (Cisco to Modem to Router)
Dialup PPP support for Cisco’s asynchronous AUX port is a fairly new feature, and most Cisco owners
aren’t familiar with it.
The following configuration statements were taken from a working configuration. To fully understand
each statement, we recommend familiarizing yourself with the Cisco commands, using the Cisco
technical documentation.
Dialing out is more difficult than dialing in, because first you must enable IP packet filtering. To
enable IP packet filtering, on the Cisco router:
1. Define a dummy filter that allows everything:
access-list 101 permit any
dialer-list 1 protocol ip permit