Black Box LRA005A-R2 User Manual
Page 215

The arp command displays and modifies the Internet-to-Ethernet address translation tables used by the
address resolution protocol (ARP).
If an illegal option is entered, the usage line is displayed.
Subcommands and parameters
arp—Display the entire ARP table.
arp [host_addr]—Display the current ARP entry of a host.
host_addr—The address of the host whose ARP table you want displayed.
arp -a—Display all current ARP entries.
arp -d host_addr—Delete an entry for a host.
host_addr—The address of the host whose ARP table entry you want deleted.
arp -f
Flush the temporary entries in the ARP table. Permanent entries are not affected. Temporary entries are
entries learned dynamically. Permanent entries are entered through the User Interface or SNMP.
arp -p—Display the status of proxy ARP.
arp -p [{on | off}]
Change the status of proxy ARP.
on—Enable proxy ARP.
off—Disable proxy ARP. This is the default.
arp -s host_addr ether_address [pub]
Create an ARP entry for the host specified by its host and Ethernet addresses.
host_addr—The address of the host for which you will create an ARP entry.
ether_address—The Ethernet address of the host. The Ethernet address has six hexadecimal digits
separated by colons.
pub—Optional. If specified, the ARP entry is published. The system will respond to ARP requests for
host_addr even though the host address is not its own.