4 filter – Black Box LRA005A-R2 User Manual
Page 217

domain cache size [count]
Set or display the current number of domain names that the cache can hold.
count—Enter the maximum number of domain names. If this parameter is omitted, the current setting
is displayed.
4.4 filter
Configure/display IP filter information
filter add name {
[-s {[src_addr/bits] [src_port]}]
[-d {[dest_addr/bits] [dest_port]}]
[-p proto]
[-l [{syslog | trap | both}]]
[-i iface]
[-f {inbound | outbound}]}
-t {allow | deny | nodial | unreach}
[-o {before | after} existing_name]
filter delete name
filter {enable | disable}
filter flush
filter move name [{before | after} existing_name]
filter spoof iface [{allow | deny}] [syslog] [trap]
filter status
filter try src_addr [-s port] dest_addr [-d port] [-p proto]
The filter command configures or displays the Internet Protocol (IP) filters.
Subcommands and parameters
filter add name
The filter add subcommand adds filter expressions (FEs) to a list that is stored in prioritized order, with
the first position assigned the highest-priority filter expression. Incoming and outgoing datagrams are
checked against the entry in the highest-priority position first.
Several options to the filter add subcommand exist. Options, variables, and parameters are described
next. It is important to note that one of the following options is required:
-s, -d, -p, -l, -i, or -f
If an option has no default, and is not specified in the filter entry, no match is attempted for that field.
filter add name
name—A 1 to 6 character ASCII identifier chosen by the user to easily reference filter expressions. Each
filter expression must have a unique name. Names beginning with a “$” are reserved for system use
(as IP “firewall” filter names).
[-s {[src_addr/bits] [src_port]}]