3 serial data transactions, Serial data transactions, Figure 35. sd port transaction – Cirrus Logic CS5378 User Manual
Page 59: Cs5378

ceived, the MFLAG bit is set in the next output
word. See “Modulator Interface” on page 36 for
more information about MFLAG.
Time Break Bit - TB
The time break bit marks a timing reference based
on a rising edge into the TIMEB pin. After a pro-
grammed delay, the TB bit in the status byte is set
for one output sample. The TIMEBRK digital fil-
ter register (0x29) programs the sample delay for
the TB bit output. See “Time Break Controller” on
page 63 for more information about time break.
FIFO Overflow Bit - W
The FIFO overflow bit indicates an error condition
in the serial data FIFO, and is set if new digital fil-
ter data overwrites a FIFO location containing data
which has not yet been sent.
The W bit is sticky, meaning it persists indefinitely
once set. Clearing the W bit requires sending the
‘Filter Stop’ and ‘Filter Start’ configuration com-
mands to reinitialize the data FIFO.
Conversion Data Word
The lower 24-bits of the serial data word is the con-
version sample for the specified channel. Conver-
sion data is 24-bit two’s complement format.
16.3 Serial Data Transactions
The CS5378 automatically initiates serial data
transactions whenever data becomes available in
the output FIFO by driving the DRDY pin low.
Once a serial data transaction is initiated, serial
clocks received into SCK cause data to be output to
MISO, as shown in Figure 35. When all available
data is read from the serial data FIFO, DRDY is re-
Figure 35. SD Port Transaction