Deleting a vlan – Allied Telesis AT-S63 User Manual

Page 352

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Chapter 21: Port-based and Tagged VLANs


Secton V: Virtual LANs

Deleting a VLAN

To delete a port-based or tagged VLAN from the switch, perform the
following procedure:

1. From the home page, select Configuration.

The System page is displayed with the General tab selected by
default, as shown in Figure 5 on page 38.

2. From the Configuration menu, select the Layer 2 option.

The Layer 2 page is displayed with the MAC Address tab selected by
default, as shown in Figure 25 on page 94.

3. Select the VLAN tab.

The VLAN tab is shown in Figure 143 on page 346.

4. Click the button next to the name of the VLAN you want to delete. (You

cannot delete the Default_VLAN.)

5. Click Remove.

A confirmation prompt is displayed.

6. Click OK to delete the VLAN or Cancel to cancel the procedure:

If you click OK, the VLAN is deleted from the switch. The untagged
ports in the VLAN are returned to the Default_VLAN as untagged

7. From the Configuration menu, select the Save Config option to

permanently save your changes. (This option is not displayed if there
are no changes to save.)