9 battery management, 10 data exchange via pc, Flytec 5020 technical manual – Flytec 5020 v1.18 * User Manual

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Flytec 5020 technical manual

Alt 2

Reference height (if desired can be set at 0)

Alt 3

Cumulated gained height


Air pressure in hector-Pascal

L/D gnd

Actual L/D over ground (=Ground Speed/Sink)*

L/D air

Actual L/D in air, only available with vane wheel connected

L/D req

L/D required to reach a WP*

L/D r. Gl

L/D required to goal over the next waypoints

Dist to^

Distance to last thermal*

* Only active when the GPS receiver is switched on

1.9 Battery management

Two bar graph scales indicate the capacity of the batteries. The Flytec 5020 has 2 banks
with 2 batteries each. Bank 1 must always be equipped. Bank 2 can remain free. However,
we recommend to equip bank 2 also. As soon as the first bank is used up, the instrument
switches automatically to the second bank. If the second bank is not yet used up, and bank 1
is equipped with new batteries, the instrument switches to the first bank again. After a long
flight we recommend to insert the partly used batteries of the bank 2 into bank 1 and to equip
bank 2 with new batteries. Thus it is ensured that the instrument can use up the batteries
always completely, without the danger of having empty batteries during a flight. Before S/N
5500 the two banks in the battery compartment where changed.

Bank 2 Before S/N 5500

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Bank 1 From S/N 5500

Bank 1

Bank 2

Bank 1

Bank 2

The following battery types could be used
2 pieces per bank Alkaline High Power Batteries 1.5 Size AA. Estimated life time 2 * 13h =
26 h together (recommended types: VARTA or Duracell)
2 pieces per bank NiMH Accu 2100mAh, 1.2V Size AA. Estimated life time 2 * 11h = 22h
together. The bargraph shows only the actual battery voltage, not the capacity.
We don’t recommend NiCd Accu because they have clearly smaller capacities and are not
pollution free. The battery thresholds are optimized for NiMH Accus.
Please dispose of the batteries properly.

The estimated life time bases on normal temperature conditions. If the batteries are hotter or
colder they have another capacity, and therefore another life time. The bargraph shows only
the actual battery voltage, not the capacity.

The inserted battery type is not recognized automatically. Because the battery types have
different voltages and a different temperature behavior, the battery type must be entered into
the basic Settings. If the wrong battery type is specified, it is possible that the instrument
switches off during switching between bank 1 and bank 2.

1.10 Data Exchange Via PC

The 5020’s basic equipment includes a data cable for a serial PC interface (9 pol Sub D
plug). Data transfer can occur in both directions. The connection occurs with: 57.600 baud; 1
startbit; 8 databit; 1 stopbit; no parity, Xon/Xoff