1 stall alarm, 7 gps functions, 1 assessment of reception quality – Flytec 5020 v1.18 * User Manual

Page 14: 2 compass and flight direction, Stall alarm, Gps functions, Assessment of reception quality, Compass and flight direction

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Flytec 5020 technical manual

6.1 Stall Alarm

This Alarm is audible, consisting of short beeps with 100% volume.

The speed for activating the stall alarm can be adjusted in the Basic Settings, and likewise,
the altitude can be set to the point from where up the alarm is active. If the stall alarm is set
at the lowest adjustable value of 0 km/h (mph), it is turned off.



The use of GPS receivers has become indispensable for navigation today. A chain of
satellites circles the Earth. It is possible to determine your position very precisely anywhere
in the world by receiving several satellites at the same time.

7.1 Assessment of Reception Quality

The integrated GPS Receiver can follow up to 16 satellites at the same time. After turning on
the unit it is necessary to receive at least 4 satellites to fix position for the first time. Once
logged on, 3 satellites (for 2D positioning) are sufficient for further navigation. However, if
you want to record altitude too (3D positioning), then four satellites are required. For
competition flights its always nescessery to have 3D positioning There is a table in the
receiver, The Satellite Almanac, in which the path, place, and time of all satellites are kept
with reference to the receiver. The Almanac is continuously updated during signal reception.
However, if the signal to the Almanac memory is disrupted completely or the unit is taken
200 km or more from the last reception point, then the Almanac has to be re-established; it
can take 10 minutes to determine the new position. Power is still supplied to the almanac’s
memory even when the unit is turned off.
The instrument looses the Almanc if both battery banks are removed.

When the receiver has been moved a great distance, you can help facilitate the connection
with the Almanac by putting in the approximate new position (whole number coordinates
suffice) in the Set Up mode under Basic settings/GPS Init”. With the antenna unobstructed
the unit will normally recognize its position after a few minutes.

If the receiver is turned off for only a short period of time (less than 2 hours), it takes less
than a minute to determine the location. Buildings, mountains or thick forest affect reception
quality. Therefore, you should always look for the best possible visibility around you and the
antenna under the Compeo label should point upwards. When the units is fastened, it should
not have more than 45° deviation from a horizontal position.
Because the receiving strength of the satellite signal is only 1/1000 of mobile radios, these
radio receivers and other disruptive factors (like notebooks) should be kept as far away as
possible from the Flytec 5020.

Together with the navigation signal, information about the number of received satellites is
shown on the right side of the bar scale. One angle is equal to one satellite with good
reception. The longer the bar, the better is the reception.

7.2 Compass and Flight Direction

In contrast to a normal magnetic compass which is oriented to magnetic north, the GPS
compass can show direction only when the user moves about. However, it has the

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