Ag Leader SMS Mobile Data Storage, Syncing, Exporting Quick Start Guide User Manual
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SMS Mobile Data Storage, Syncing, and Exporting
Revision 8/1/2013
© 2013 Ag Leader Technology, Inc All Rights Reserved
Syncing/Importing SMS Mobile Data into your Desktop Software
Data that is collected or modified in SMS Mobile can be synced back into the desktop
software/computer that it was exported from or into any other computer running the
desktop software. The difference between importing and syncing is really in the options that
are available after new data is read into the desktop software. Syncing allows you to update
the SMS Mobile Project with any new information you have created or edited since you
exported to SMS Mobile, whereas importing can’t do this since there is no record of what
was exported to SMS Mobile since you created the setup from a different desktop software
or created the setup and data solely in SMS Mobile. Syncing also ensures that the data
being read in goes exactly where it should management wise, whereas importing will either
create new management items if it can’t find an existing match in the desktop software or if
the option is selected it can spatial sort incoming data.
When syncing or importing, you can only work with one desktop project at a time. So if you
have SMS Mobile projects that you need to sync or import into different desktop projects,
you have to open each desktop project and sync/import into each project individually. When
in a specific desktop project you can sync/import multiple SMS Mobile Projects at one time
If directly syncing/importing from your mobile device to the desktop software, be sure that
the sync/import process is NOT interrupted. This can cause data loss or an incomplete
sync/import process. Because of the number of available options and time it can take to
copy large amounts of data via a USB or Bluetooth connection between a mobile device and
your computer, the process can take some time to complete, so please be patient.
Follow these steps to sync or import data from SMS Mobile into your SMS based
desktop software:
It is very important that the sync/import process is not interrupted. If it is, then it may
be unclear at what point the sync/import process was and the quality of any syncing or
importing that occurred before the process was interrupted. Because of this it is important
to make sure you have a stable power source for both your desktop computer as well as
your mobile device and make sure not to power down the computer or mobile device while
the sync/import is in process.
The first step is to either connect your mobile device to your computer using either a
USB or Bluetooth connection (if that is where your data is located), connect your PC
based device via a shared network on your computer , insert a memory card into your
computer, or copy your SMSMOBILEDATA folder to a location on your computer.