Ag Leader SMS Mobile Data Storage, Syncing, Exporting Quick Start Guide User Manual

Page 10

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SMS Mobile Data Storage, Syncing, and Exporting
Revision 8/1/2013

© 2013 Ag Leader Technology, Inc All Rights Reserved



You will now be prompted to select a merge level for your datasets and the export file
format. You can select Field, Operation, or Dataset. When Field is selected all your
datasets that have been selected for export will merge by field, so you will get an
export file per unique field. If you select Operation then you will get a single file per
unique operation. And if you select Dataset then you will get individual export files for
each unique dataset. Currently you can only export files in the ESRI Shape file format.


Lastly, you will be allowed to select a location to save your export files to. Your
options are on the internal storage of the mobile device, on a removal storage card
connected to the device, or onto your computer if running Mobile PC. You can also
choose to export the files to a folder hierarchy so that each dataset exported will be
saved in a folder named by the Grower/Farm and Date it was created. Wherever you
select to export to, a "Mobile Export" folder will be created and your files will be
stored there. The naming of the export files is based on the merge level options you
selected above and the content of the files and should provide enough detail to
clearly know what type of data is contained in the export files.