Figure 1 sample text file, Files to be exported, 1 sample text file – HP StorageWorks XP Remote Web Console Software User Manual

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XP Performance Control Export Tool

Here is an example of a text file imported into spreadsheet software:

Figure 1

Sample text file


When running the Export Tool, text files are usually compressed in a ZIP-format archive file. To open a

text file, you must decompress the ZIP file to extract the text files.

Text files are in CSV (comma-separated value) format, in which values are delimited by commas. You

can use many spreadsheet applications to open CSV files.

Do not run multiple instances of the Export Tool simultaneously. If you run multiple instances, the SVP

might be overloaded and a timeout error might occur.

Files to be exported

You can use the Export Tool to save monitoring data in the XP Auto LUN pane into files (see

Table 3


Table 10

). You can also use the Export Tool to save monitoring data about remote copy

operations into files (see

Table 11


Table 18

). The Export Tool usually compresses monitoring data

in ZIP files. To use a text editor or spreadsheet software to view or edit the monitoring data, you usually

need to decompress the ZIP files to extract CSV files. However, if you want the Export Tool to save

monitoring data in CSV files instead of ZIP files, you can force the Export Tool to do so.

Table 2

shows the correspondence between the XP Auto LUN panes and the monitoring data that the

Export Tool can save. For details on the ZIP files and CSV files that are saved, see the tables indicated in

the See column.

Transfer rates for LUs (Filename: LU_IOPS.csv)

Indicates that the subsystem serial number is 28528.
The word in parentheses is a code that indicates the subsystem type.

Indicates that the data was obtained from 10:48 to 10:52 on Nov. 25,
2004. Sampling rate: 1 indicates that monitoring was performed
every minute (at a one-minute interval).


In this LU_IOPS.csv file, the last four digits of a table column heading (such as 0000 and 0001) indicate an

LUN. For example, the heading CL1-B.00(1B-G00).0001 indicates the port CL1-B, the host group ID 00, the
host group name 1B-G00, and the LUN 0001.

If you export monitoring data about concatenated parity groups, the resulting CSV file do not contain column

headings for the concatenated parity groups. For example, if you export monitoring data about a
concatenated parity group named 1-3[1-4], you will be unable to find 1-3[1-4] in column headings. To locate
monitoring data about 1-3[1-4], find the 1-3 column or the 1-4 column. Either of these columns contains
monitoring data about 1-3[1-4].

Indicates monitoring data. If a value is -1, the value indicates
that Performance Monitor failed to obtain the data for some
reason. For detailed information, refer to the troubleshooting
information later in this appendix.

Table 2

XP Auto LUN panes and monitoring data that can be saved by the Export Tool


Monitoring data


Physical tab in the XP

Auto LUN pane

Statistics about resource usage and write pending rates

Table 3