HP XP Racks User Manual

Page 170

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If Thunder 9500V series, Lightning 9900V series (excluding XP

series), Hitachi USP series (excluding XP series), Universal Storage

Platform V/VM series (excluding XP20000 and XP24000), Hitachi

Virtual Storage Platform, VSP G1000, Hitachi

AMS2000/AMS/WMS/SMS series, HUS100 series, or HUS VM was

used, delete the following line:

disk/fcp/Hitachi fscsi disk/fcp



If GPFS or GPFS + RVSD was used, execute the following utility to set the
LUN RESET option to off:

# /usr/DynamicLinkManager/bin/dlmodmset -r off



If you have been using VCS and have registered VCS scripts, you must

delete the VCS script registrations.
Delete the following line that was added to the preonline script:





If you do not need to start the preonline script when VCS starts, delete

the preonline script and specify the settings so that the preonline script

does not start.
For details on the setting method, refer to the VCS documentation.
In the following example, the settings do not start the preonline script

when VCS starts:

# rm /opt/VRTSvcs/bin/triggers/preonline

# haconf -makerw

# hagrp -modify service-group PreOnline 0

# haconf -dump -makero



Execute the following command:

# installp -u DLManager.mpio

If you are not using a virtual I/O server, removal of HDLM is complete

and you do not need to perform the remaining steps.
If the KAPL09022-E message is displayed, the hdisks recognized as the

devices to be managed by HDLM still remain. Re-execute the procedure

starting from step 14.



If you are using a virtual I/O server, define an hdisk as a virtual target

On the virtual I/O server, execute one of the following commands:


To create an hdisk as a virtual target device

$ mkvdev -vdev hdisk-name

-vadapter virtual-SCSI-server-adapter-name


To create a logical volume as a virtual target device

$ mkvdev -vdev logical-volume-name

-vadapter virtual-SCSI-server-adapter-name


Creating an HDLM Environment

Hitachi Dynamic Link Manager (for AIX) User Guide

This manual is related to the following products: