HP XP Racks User Manual
Page 169

For details about the stopping method, see the manual for each
Specify the -A parameter, as required, and execute the dlmrmdev utility
to remove HDLM drivers.
When you specify the -A parameter and execute the dlmrmdev utility, you
can skip steps 11 through 14. When dlmrmdev is executed, a message
appears asking for confirmation that processing is to continue.
Enter y for this message to continue processing.
# /usr/DynamicLinkManager/bin/dlmrmdev -A
KAPL10528-I The volume group will be made inactive, and the file
system that is using HDLM will be unmounted. Is this OK? [y/n]:y
hdisk3 deleted
KAPL09012-I All HDLM drivers were removed.
If you executed this step, proceed to step 16.
If you did not execute this step, proceed to the following step.
Execute the following command to unmount the file system used by
# umount file-system-mount-point
Execute the following command to display all the activated volume
# lsvg -o
Among the displayed volume groups in step 12, execute the following
command to inactivate the volume groups used by HDLM:
# varyoffvg volume-group-name
Execute the following command to remove the hdisks recognized as HDLM
management-target device from the running kernel, and then stop the
HDLM manager:
# /usr/DynamicLinkManager/bin/dlmrmdev
The KAPL09012-I message appears.
If the KAPL09012-I message is not displayed, the HDLM driver has not
been deleted, or the HDLM manager has not stopped. Make sure that no
process, service, file system, or volume group is using the HDLM
management-target path, and then re-execute the above command.
Execute the following command to make sure that the hdisks recognized
as the devices to be managed by HDLM have been deleted:
# lsdev -Cc disk
If GPFS + RVSD was used, delete the setting information from /etc/vsd/
If XP series was used, delete the following line:
disk/fcp/HP fscsi disk/fcp
Creating an HDLM Environment
Hitachi Dynamic Link Manager (for AIX) User Guide