Removing the system reporter tools on linux, Removing the mysql database (optional) – HP 3PAR StoreServ 7000 Storage User Manual
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Locate and remove the inservstats.db file if the file was in a location other than the
System Reporter folder. Also remove the file inservstats.db-journal if present in the
same folder.
(Optional) In the location where you installed Apache HTTP Server, locate the htdocs directory
(for example, C:\Program Files\Apache Group\Apache2\htdocs) and delete the
subdirectory (C:\Program Files\Apache Group\Apache2\htdocs\3par).
(Optional) Go to the location where you installed Apache HTTP Server and locate the cgi-bin
directory (for example, C:\Program Files\Apache Group\Apache2\cgi-bin), then
delete the subdirectories 3par-policy and 3par-rpts.
Removing the System Reporter Tools on Linux
Stop the sampleloop daemon by running:
/etc/init.d/sampleloop stop
Remove the sampleloop and sysrptwebsrv packages by running:
rpm --erase sampleloop
rpm --erase sysrptwebsrv
Although these commands remove the files associated with the packages, user-modified
configuration files are saved with a .rpmsave suffix appended to their names. If you do not
plan to re-install these packages later with similar configuration settings you may delete these
configuration files.
If you used SQLite as the database, locate and remove the inservstats.db file, typically
in the /var/inservstats directory. Also remove the file inservstats.db-journal if
present in the same directory.
Removing the MySQL Database (Optional)
If you are using a MySQL database and you want to completely remove all HP 3PAR System
Reporter components, you should also remove the inservstats database using the MySQL
Administrator, as described in this section.
Log in to MySQL as root. You may need to do this on the machine on which MySQL is installed
since root login is typically restricted to local logins only.
mysql -uroot -p
Run the following command at the mysql prompt to delete (drop) the database (named
inservstats by default):
drop database inservstats;
Deleting the database schema will remove the inservstats database and cannot
be undone.
Delete the users created by running the following commands:
drop user cliuser;
drop user webuser;
Exit the MySQL command line.
Installation, Configuration, Update, and Removal