About multiple system management – HP Systems Insight Manager User Manual
Page 153

About multiple system management
The Software Update capabilities of HP SIM includes the following features:
Install Software and Firmware. Use to automatically update ProLiant Support Packs and
components on HP systems managed by HP SIM. The target systems must have HP VCA
Searching by systems with Software/Firmware. Use to create and display a list of systems
with specific software or firmware versions. For example, a user with
might want to locate and display HP systems with Insight Management Agent earlier than a
defined version. The search can then be used with the Install Software and Firmware Task to
update the systems to the current version of Insight Management Agent.
The Install Software and Firmware task can be executed in two modes:
Offline mode
Offline task is executed on a baremetal sever (server with no operating system installed)
and only supported firmware components are installed on the server. The target system
for this task is the iLO of the server.
Online mode
This task installs all supported software and firmware components on the server.
Software Version Status Polling. Use to retrieve software and firmware upgrade statuses from
HP VCA on target systems. Software and firmware inventories are also retrieved from those
systems during this task.
Replicate Agent Settings. Use to have HP SIM to retrieve Web Agent configuration settings
from a source device and distribute that configuration to target systems through their Web
These capabilities rely on the integration of HP SIM with HP VCRM and HP VCA.
When software/firmware for a component is not available in the baseline, then it will
be shown blank. If junk or blank values are found to be listed in the Software Firmware Baselines
section, it is because the description for the component is not found by the providers. You can
verify this by going through the Data Collection reports.
The junk values are unique identifiers for the component which do not have descriptions. The junk
values are numbers in sequential order prefixed with a hyphen (-).
Often, multiple components have the same descriptions. Therefore, the component name is prefixed
with a hyphen, followed by the number in sequential order, followed by the component description.
Software Firmware Baseline. Use this feature to update the system(s) to assigned baseline. In
this feature, when a task is triggered to update the system(s) to assigned baseline, HP SIM by
default uses VCA if present on target.
During update or install of components using VCA, VCA post status back to SIM using http
protocol and port 280. To configure this communication to use secure https protocol and
secure http, add the following properties in the HP SIM globalsetting.props file.
Default port used by VCA can be changed to 50000 for VCA 7.2.2 and higher releases.
Add a new property simVCAStatusPort= 50000 inside the globalsetting.props file
to change the default port value.
About the Version Control Agent