Cluster discovery, Complex, Configure or repair agents – HP Systems Insight Manager User Manual
Page 176

Be sure both the Register this connection's address in DNS and the Use this connection's
DNS suffix in DNS registration checkboxes are selected.
The System name for the CMS is not configured properly.
HP recommends the following workaround:
On the CMS, open the Control Panel and select System.
Click Network Identification.
Click Properties or Change next to the Rename this computer or Join a domain field.
In the dialog box, click More.
Be sure the primary DNS suffix is set correctly. If not, set it, and click OK until all dialog
boxes are closed.
The proxy settings on the client browser is configured to proxy local systems.
HP recommends the following workaround:
In Internet Explorer, select Tools
→Internet Options→Connections→LAN Settings and then
select Use a proxy server for your LAN.
Click Advanced.
Add the DNS suffix for the CMS to the Exceptions list.
Click OK until all dialog boxes are closed.
The company DNS servers could be having problems.
HP recommends that you contact your company's network support group.
Cluster discovery
When you discover iLO on Gen8 system, which has MSCS Cluster hosted and agentless mode
enabled, the discovery issue might occur in HP SIM. The discovery issue is that the IP address of
cluster member and cluster resource is set on the same node.
Solution: You can verify the discovery issue from the system page of cluster member node and
cluster resource node (if you have already discovered resource node in SIM). To resolve this issue,
complete the following steps:
Disable Agentless Mode on iLO.
Delete iLO if already discovered in SIM.
Delete cluster member and resource nodes if already discovered in SIM and found to have IP
addresses of cluster member and resource IP addresses set on the same node.
Re-discover iLO.
Re-discover cluster member.
Re-discover cluster resource.
You cannot delete a complex and all associated systems when you first select either the system or
complex alone and then try to delete.
Solution: You must select all associated systems from the list for the deletion to work correctly.
Configure or Repair Agents
If you are unable to configure VCA using credentials, go to Tools
→Protocol Settings→Global
Protocol Settings or Options
→Discovery→Configure Global Protocol Settings, and change the http
Settings: Default read timeout (seconds) to 25 or more.
Configure or Repair Agents fails for a managed system having Windows operating system and
OpenSSH 5.4 p1-1 or greater.
HP SIM 7.3.1 ships a new version of OpenSSH. This version of OpenSSH considers credentials
as case sensitive, resulting in an authentication failure if credentials are not provided in proper