HP XP P9500 Storage User Manual
Page 84
The tracks containing the following journal data are marked in the differential bitmap as modified
and will be copied during the resume pair operation:
Journal data created by the primary system but not yet sent to the secondary system. After
marking these P-VOL tracks as modified, the primary system discards these journal data.
Journal data sent to the secondary system but not acknowledged by the secondary system.
After marking these P-VOL tracks as modified, the primary system discards these journal data.
This insures that journal data lost during transmission are identified and marked.
The journal data that reached the secondary system but have not yet been settled. After marking
these S-VOL tracks as modified, the secondary system discards these journal data.
The P-VOL records updated by host-requested write I/Os after the pair was suspended. When
a suspended pair is resumed (resynchronized), the contents of the secondary system’s
cylinder/track bitmap are sent to the primary system and merged into its bitmap. The primary
system then performs the resync operation according to the merged bitmap. This insures that
all the tracks, including discarded journal data, are resynchronized at this time.
Filtering Information in the List in the Pair Operation window
Use the Display Filter dialog box to filter information in the list in the Pair Operation window. The
list shows only the volumes that satisfy certain conditions.
To filter information in the list in the Pair Operation window
In the Pair Operation window, click Display Filter.
Use the Display Filter dialog box to specify information that you want to display in the list.
Click Set to close the Display Filter dialog box. The list in the Pair Operation window displays
the specified information only.
To restore the list to the default status (i.e., the status before filtering), click Reset in the Display
Filter dialog box and then Set in the same dialog box.
If you change settings in the Display Filter dialog box, the changes remain in effect during the
session until you reset the settings.
The Display Filter dialog box shows the following:
Journal: Select the journal to be displayed.
If you select All, all journals appear in the list.
Mirror: Select the mirror to be displayed.
If you select All, all mirrors appear in the list.
P-VOL/S-VOL: Select the type of volumes to be displayed.
If you select P-VOL, P-VOLs appear in the list.
If you select S-VOL, S-VOLs appear in the list.
If you select All, all P-VOLs and all S-VOLs appear in the list.
CLPR: Select the CLPR to be displayed.
If you select All, all CLPRs appear in the list.
Internal/External VOL: Specify whether internal volumes or external volumes appear in the
If you select All, all the internal and external volumes appear in the list.
Status: Specify pair statuses. The volumes of the specified statues appear in the list.
Sub Status: Allows you to specify consistency status.
The volume pairs in the specified status appear in the list.
Monitoring the system