HP XP P9500 Storage User Manual

Page 65

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channel (SSCH) at the main host system, and the time stamp is transferred to the primary
storage system at the beginning of each I/O operation.


When the Local timer option is selected, the primary storage system does not acquire
time stamp information from the host I/O time stamping function.


This timer option can be selected only when the copy direction of a Continuous Access
Journal Z volume pair is in reverse direction (i.e., from the secondary site to the primary
site). When the None option is selected, the primary storage system acquires time stamp
information from the host I/O time stamping function.


Click Add. The added display in the Journal Volumes list, and the Operation column of the
list displays Add.


Click Set to close the Edit Journal Volumes dialog box.


See the Preview list in the Journal Operation window to check the settings that you have made.

If you want to modify a setting, select and right click the setting in the Preview list and
then select Modify.

If you want to cancel a setting, select and right click the setting and then select Cancel.

10. Click Apply to apply the settings. If an error occurs, the error code appears in the rightmost

column of the Preview list. To view detailed information about the error, right click the error
code and select Error Detail.

Register journal volumes in a journal