HP Virtual Connect Enterprise Manager Software User Manual
HP Software

HP Virtual Connect Enterprise Manager 7.2
Update 2 Command Line Interface User
This user guide is intended for HP Virtual Connect administrators who are familiar with both Virtual Connect and the Virtual
Connect management suite, including HP Virtual Connect Manager, Virtual Connect Enterprise Manager and upper level
managers such as HP Matrix OE logical server management and HP Matrix Operating Environment.
HP Part Number: 656831-006
Published: October 2013
Edition: 1
This manual is related to the following products:
Table of contents
Document Outline
- HP Virtual Connect Enterprise Manager 7.2 Update 2 Command Line Interface User Guide
- Contents
- 1 Getting started
- 2 Using the VCEMCLI
- 3 Using VCEM commands
- add profile
- set profile
- assign profile
- export profiles
- move profile
- remove profile
- unassign profile
- add enet-connection
- set enet-connection
- remove enet-connection
- add fc-connection
- set fc-connection
- remove fc-connection
- add fcoe-connection
- set fcoe-connection
- remove fcoe-connection
- add iscsi-connection
- set iscsi-connection
- remove iscsi-connection
- set iscsi-boot-param
- remove iscsi-boot-param
- add server-port-map
- set server-port-map
- remove server-port-map
- add server-port-map-range
- remove server-port-map-range
- poweroff devicebay
- poweron devicebay
- show power-status
- show job
- show version
- show vcem-status
- startvcdfwupdate
- completevcdfwupdate
- startvcdmaint
- cancelvcdmaint
- completevcdmaint
- 4 Error messages
- 5 Troubleshooting the VCEMCLI
- VCEMCLI calls result in access denied errors
- VCEMCLI calls result in errors for invalid leading character or invalid characters
- VCEMCLI calls result in 404 errors
- API timeouts occur
- High CPU usage on the CMS server while running a VCEMCLI client
- Job reports a failed status
- Completed with a warning job status
- Unable to assign a profile to a domain group
- VC Domain reports configuration mismatch status
- VC Domain reports expired license status
- Error occurs on a database operation
- VCEM operation failed to execute because VC firmware is not supported
- Creating a server profile fails
- Server profile edit operation fails when the target server is powered on
- Server profile job completed with success but changes have not occurred
- After a server profile assignment, some connections defined in the server profile are not functional
- Error message for the -add profile or -set profile command occurs
- Error message for the -add profile command
- Unexpected results from non-blocked (-nb) commands
- Additional troubleshooting information and tools
- 6 Support and other resources
- 7 Documentation feedback
- Index