2 using the vcemcli, Executable, Environment variable – HP Virtual Connect Enterprise Manager Software User Manual
Page 9: Common options, Executable environment variable common options

2 Using the VCEMCLI
The VCEMCLI can be executed from the Windows command-line or from scripts written in any
Windows-supported scripting language.
The vcemcli.exe executable is located in the HP VCEM Installation Root
Directory\Virtual Connect Enterprise Manager CLI
During the VCEM installation process, the directory that contains vcemcli.exe is added to the
environment variable (EV).
Environment Variable
You can control the behavior of the VCEMCLI and its common options by using the Windows EV
. The format for the EV is exactly the same as the command-line. Any arguments contained
in this EV are appended to the list of arguments provided on the vcemcli.exe command-line.
Any arguments contained in the EV that are also provided on the command-line will be ignored.
Common options
VCEMCLI command-line options are not case sensitive. Options present on the command-line
override any corresponding values that the VCEMCLI environment variable (if set) contains.
lists the common vcemcli.exe command-line options and their descriptions.
Table 1 Common options
CLI options
Set as the user name for authentication with Systems Insight
Manager. If this command is not specified, the VCEMCLI
will use the Windows user name of the current user.
-user username
Used for authenticating with Systems Insight Manager when
the –user argument was also provided.
-pw password
Used to contact the Systems Insight Manager server. If this
option is not provided, the default port is 50001. This
–port port
argument is required only if the Systems Insight Manager
environment is changed to require SOAP connections on
a different port.
File that contains VCEMCLI log messages.
–logfile logfilename
Can be set to control the amount of information that
VCEMCLI logs. The available levels are: debug, info,
, error, and off.
–loglevel level
The maximum size, in KB, of the VCEMCLI log file.
–logsize size in kb
The default behavior is for commands to block and wait
for completion of the associated job or power operation
before they continue. The –nb (non-block) option causes
normally blocking commands to return immediately after
they are submitted. You must check the result of the
non-blocking job or power operation separately to
determine its success or failure.