Task: plan server consolidation, Understanding the consolidation task – HP Matrix Operating Environment Software User Manual

Page 36

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Task: Plan server consolidation

This section starts with a general procedure for consolidating servers (

“Understanding the

consolidation task”

), followed by an example of manual server consolidation (


consolidation: Stacking applications on an existing server”

). The second half of this section shows

how to automate server consolidation using the HP Smart Solver (

“Automating the consolidation

task” (page 46)

); also followed by an example (

“Example consolidation: Automating stacking

on a “what-if” server” (page 47)


Understanding the consolidation task

There are three fundamental approaches to consolidating servers:

Stacking workloads (representing applications) into standalone servers or




virtual machines

onto a single physical system or nPartitions.

Stacking nPartitions and

virtual partitions




The task description below is based on stacking server workloads onto one virtual machine and
VM host. For other consolidations, the changes made when editing the scenario would differ.


You must have already collected data on the systems of interest (see

“Gathering data for

Capacity Advisor” (page 53)


You should be familiar with Capacity Advisor operations (see

“Procedures” (page 53)


You must be logged in to Insight Dynamics (see

“Accessing Capacity Advisor” (page 53)


For specific descriptions of each field shown on the user interface screens, click the

on the

software screen.

Table 4-2 Checklist — Consolidating server loads onto a virtual machine manually

Related Procedure(s)


“Creating a consolidation candidates report” (page 73)

Determine which systems to consolidate (both to
and from).

“Creating a planning scenario” (page 84)

Create a planning scenario.

“Creating an historic utilization report” (page 70)

“Creating a cost allocation report” (page 73)

Run reports on the scenario systems.
(Include this step if you want to obtain a baseline
set of reports to compare your scenario changes
against.) See also

“Task: Understand current

resource usage” (page 35)


“Creating a system” (page 90)


“Adding an existing

system” (page 91)

“Editing a system” (page 92)

“Changing servers to be VMs (manually)” (page 93)

“Setting global utilization limits” (page 76)

Edit the scenario copy:
• Set up the new VM host system.
• Modify resources on systems as needed.
• Make each system to be consolidated become

a VM.

• Modify utilization limits, if desired.

“Creating a scenario report” (page 70)

Evaluate new quality of service

“Creating a cost allocation report” (page 73)

Estimate new cost allocation on the VM host

Example consolidation: Stacking applications on an existing server

This example demonstrates how Capacity Advisor can be used to simulate converting physical
servers to virtual machines, and to then stack those VMs onto one VM host.

Assume that you have a set of legacy servers that currently support one application each. There
is good data on resource utilization for each of these servers, and it is time to see if converting
these application servers into VMs and then consolidating the VMs onto fewer VM hosts can


Planning with Capacity Advisor