H known problems in capacity advisor help – HP Matrix Operating Environment Software User Manual

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H Known problems in Capacity Advisor Help

This guide contains the most recent information available for Capacity Advisor. This section is
here to help you to confirm when information in Capacity Advisor Help is inaccurate and to point
you to the most up-to-date information.
Possible sources of data discrepancies

Capacity Advisor Help incorrectly refers you to check

licensing information in the HP Insight Dynamics 6.0 Getting Started Guide. Instead, refer to updated
information here:

“No data collected for a managed node” (page 64)

Setting workload utilization limits

Capacity Advisor Help incorrectly provides the procedure for

setting workload utilization limits in a scenario, when it should describe how to set workload
utilization limits from Virtualization Manager. For a correct procedural description, see


workload utilization limits” (page 77)


Command reference — capagentlesscfg

More accurate guidance is available regarding the

minimum and maximum values that can be used with the advanced options. See capagentlesscfg
in the

Appendix B (page 129)


Convert/Add to DRS Cluster screen — considerations and limitations

The following information

did not appear in the description for this screen, but should have been included:
Once clusters are created by combining two or more VM hosts, any further changes to the power
calibration, CPU speed, cores, memory, and network and disk I/O capacity of the cluster members
(VM hosts) will not be reflected in the cluster’s capacity values. In other words, the cluster reflects
the values of the VM hosts at the time of cluster creation, and does not change dynamically when
any of the underlying values change.
Clusters can be dissolved using What-If Action

Undo/Edit/View Applied What-if Actions.

However, disabling or deleting any of the individual changes that pertain to a member VM host
will not modify the capacity values of the cluster itself.