Return values, Examples – HP Matrix Operating Environment Software User Manual

Page 142

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workload already exists in the Capacity Advisor data, an error message
appears. Non-ID workloads are not associated with any licensed nodes
and are not visible on the Insight Dynamics Workload tab.
To import non-Insight Dynamics workload data, use the following GUI
action sequence starting from the Capacity Advisor tab: Modify -> Edit
Planning Scenario. The Edit Scenario window opens. Then select What-If
Action -> Create Workloads from the menu. Activate the radio button “Use
profile data from workload” and choose a non-ID workload from the
“Import Profile Values” workload list. You must know ahead of time the
name of the non-ID workload.



Removes all profile data for a specified workload or system from the CMS.
This can be used, for example, to release disk space when a workload is
retired and its performance data is no longer needed. The profileID names
a specific workload. All system name profiles are fully qualified.


Saves the import-compartment attributes. Used in conjunction with -i to
import data. Saves the container attributes specified in the import header
as attributes for the target profile.


Exports data as a table.


Exports utilization data for the specified profile as a sequence of lines. Each
line contains utilization values for a five-minute period. The format is
specified in the capprofile(4) manpage. The exported text is sent to
standard-out (stdout).



Specifies the delimiter character used to separate values in imported and
exported data. The default delimiter is the comma. Valid delimiters, with
or without double quotes, are: comma (,), slash (/), semicolon (;), colon
(:) and vertical bar (|); some of these delimiters may need to be quoted or


Exit values are:

Successful completion.


An error was encountered accessing the database..


An invalid command-line option was specified.


An invalid argument was specified to an option.


An invalid combination of options was specified.


An error occurred accessing HP SIM, or an unhandled exception occurred during collection.


The beginning of the sample date range occurs after the end date.


Export profile data from December 14, 2005 at midnight to midnight December 31, 2005 for the
workload with profileID billing3 to the file billing3.txt in the /tmp directory.

capprofile -x -b 20051215 -e 200512312359 billing3 > /tmp/billing3.txt

Import profile data from the file /tmp/billing3.txt for the profile with profileID billing3.

capprofile -i -o billing3 < /tmp/billing3.txt

Mark a range of utilization data as invalid for the workload with profileID prod05_wkld. All
samples between December 15 2005 at 11 a.m. and December 16 2005 at 12 p.m. (inclusive) are
marked invalid.

capprofile -m i -b 2005121511 -e 2005121612 prod05_wkld

List profileID, available history, and percent valid. (Note that a Percent Valid value of less than
100% can occur when there is invalid or uncollected data. For example, there may be one or two
uncollected data samples on a node right after it reboots.)

capprofile -lv


Command reference