HP Matrix Operating Environment Software User Manual

Page 173

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Table G-2 Warning Messages in Capacity Advisor (continued)

To correct

Probable cause


See message text.

If HP SIM has not correctly
discovered all of the system
attributes (operating system type,
model, CPU count/speed, and
memory size) some of the
attributes needed to export the
profile using the capprofile
command are not available.

The system attribute "attribute-name"
is not available from HP SIM for the

workload. Either run

"Identify" on the system in HP SIM and
export the profile again, or correct these
fields in the header of the exported
profile before importing it.

If the profile data originated from a

export, re-export the

data after running Options



on the system in HP SIM,

or manually correct the values in the
header. See the capprofile(1M)
command reference page for an
example of a correctly formatted file.

When importing a file using

, the input file

header must contain correct
values for the system from which
the profile data was gathered. If
one or more attributes have the
value , the profile
cannot be imported.

The system attribute "attribute-name"
must be specified before this profile can
be imported.

Install the HP VM WBEM provider
(vmProvider) on the virtual machine
or correct the configuration problem.
For help with using vseassist, see
the HP Insight Dynamics 6.0 Getting
Started Guide.

An HP virtual machine may be
discovered by HP SIM and
labeled as a standalone server if
the system does not have a
properly configured WBEM
provider for HP VMs. Such a
system cannot be collected from
until it is discovered by HP SIM

The system "system_name" has no
workload defined. Make sure to select


before running this command for the first
time. For HPVM Guests, please be sure
that the HPVM WBEM provider is
properly configured. If problems persist,
run VSE Assist to further diagnose errors.

Verify that the name is spelled
correctly or add the system to HP SIM.

The system name specified on the
command line is not known to HP

The system system_name was not found
in the HP SIM database.

Set authorizations as needed. For
information on user authorizations in
VSE, see HP Insight Dynamics 6.0
Getting Started Guide.

See message text.

The user has none of the required toolbox
authorizations on node cms_name, where
cms_name is the name of the CMS where
the command was run.

Make sure that:
1. Your user name has been added to

HP Systems Insight Manager.

2. Your user name and password, if

specified, are spelled correctly.

3. HP Systems Insight Manager is


4. You used '--' for any long options

and double quotes if your user
name contains a domain, for
example, commandname– user
mydomain\myusername” –pass

There was a problem connecting to the
HP SIM server.

If the system is booted, go to the

page in HP SIM and resume

monitoring using the link on the Tools
& Links

tab, then run Discovery on the

system. If the system remains disabled,
delete the system from HP SIM and re-
discover it.

The system may be an unbooted
VM or an un-initialized blade.

Unable to collect from system
"system-name" because it is disabled in

Run vseassist to help locate the

A network or system problem is
preventing contact with the
WBEM server.

Unable to contact the WBEM server. See
the capcollect(1M) manual page.

Command warning messages